epifony [sic]
we had been talking about epiphanies and i found myself seated reflectively in one of those ridiculous plastic chairs at tim horton's caught up in a moment of internal conflict over what to make of that fairly deep and pointed online discussion, and what to do with what i was making...
syd barrett's tortured voice from 1968 broke through my own inner din:
and what exactly is a dream?
and what exactly is a joke?
luckily, i had a pencil.
epiphanies are very personal things.
one will say that
too many can be painful
another will counter that
too few can leave us feeling rather alone in it all.
the thing about one person's moment of discovery or clarity is that
it's one person's moment
and in so being is limited by this person's perspective...
- perspective: the gestalt of his/her experiences to date synthesized with all learnings heretofore gathered;
- perspective: the summative who what where when and how the person is today;
- perspective: the id and superego engaged in their seductive dancing, each beckoning the other to cross the great divide of the ego
and is, therefore
subjective observation at best,
high treason of the heart at worst.
so with all this illogical clutter
unsubstantiated allegation and
crazy emotion-driven inkling, what makes it an epiphany at all?
simply the preceding search for one?
The original Pink Floyd, huge fan.
Epiphanies are when all the information around us comes together at a single moment and reveals something we may have been missing the whole time.
It is a very personal thing - but also something communal (we all feel the need to share what we have learned). What is the use of learning something and not sharing it?
"Epiphanies are when all the information around us comes together at a single moment and reveals something we may have been missing the whole time." (SVS)
nicely put. and perhaps the reason we've been missing it the whole time is that up until that moment we haven't had all the necessary experiencial factors in place to perceive truth this way.
'What is the use of learning something and not sharing it?' (SVS)
right. no hoarding allowed
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