Monday, September 26, 2005


this post could serve as a postscript for 'blaming God' (posted 09/12/05)
sorry that there's not more here... i've been busy typing out my journals from sri lanka and posting them on poitu varam (jollybeggar abroad.)

it's just that i've been thinking and praying a fair bit lately about the hand of God. you see, i really want people to see it move. i really want people's eyes to open spiritually.

so, when the news reports of hurricane rita's progress and the ongoing evacuations started pouring out of my newspapers and television, i started praying for two things:

1) that the gulf coast of the united states of america would be spared a repeat of the katrina disaster, by the mercy and grace of God. that he would see fit to intervene and cause the storm to cave in on itself or wipe out some UNinhabited island or something. in short, that a miracle would take place and that people would acknowledge it as such.

2) if, rather than intervene, God chose to just allow this storm to hit according to the worst case scenarios that were being spun for us by meterologists, then he would pour his grace and mercy into the american people affected, that they would draw together immediately and allow peace and good will, rather than anarchy to reign.

well, it appears that God IS a miracle-working God, alive and well and at work on planet earth. however, i suppose that people can continue to deny him their worship and thanksgiving, defaulting to

"whew! that was lucky! that storm didn't even come close to the widespread damage and destruction that we feared. still, better safe than sorry..."
ascribe to the Lord, o mighty ones
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength
ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name
worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness
(psalm 29.1-2)

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Blogger teri said...

i really want people's eyes to open spiritually. Plain and simple...Check it out.


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